Manual weighing and labelling

Manual weighing and labelling

Masiste distributes weighing and manual labelling systems with connections to multiple platforms for printing, weighing and manual labelling systems are robust mobile systems that  allow the labelling of products with different types or formats of labels, have several levels of totalization which allows to totalize, label systems allow us to perform product traceability, export to CSV, making backups, all for manual labelling of their products. We have various equipment with watertight protection that can reach IP65.

Tactile labelling machines

Tactile labelling machines

Manual labelling system with touch screen and Ethernet, USB, RS232 and WIFI connections. It allows to connect 2 scales or platforms of different capacities in the same equipment, thanks to its easy and intuitive labelling and management program, it allows a fast and efficient use of the equipment. The tactile labelling systems allow us to connect several external labellers, it also allows us to connect barcode readers.

With an almost unlimited database of articles, it allows us to import logos or PLU photos directly into the equipment and traceability to all types of products. The configuration of the label design is configurable and simple from the equipment itself.

The labellers can directly export CSV files or print lists on external printers. Back-up copies can be made and labels can be imported and exported via USB flash drive.

compact labellers

Compact labelling machines

This type of labeller has a compact stand-alone indicator-labeller. It has Ethernet,
RS232/422/485 and wifi connections. It has a 3″ or 4″ thermal printer depending on the model. It does not allow direct connection to the weighing platform, to another labeller, barcode scanners can be connected. It has a memory up to 8.000 products, labelling of the same article requested in several orders or different articles in the same order, in addition discrimination by weight, printing of codes by operator and manufacturer, cancellation of labels, batch printing, manual printing and a long etcetera, all in the same autonomous labeller-viewer.